Sunday, July 5, 2015

Learning opportunities and parenting fails.

J's Father and I try and use every holiday or special occasion into a learning experience. Obviously, Independance Day yesterday served as one of those perfect opportunities! Over the summer, J has to work on a couple of school worksheets everyday to keep his skills up, so of course yesterday, he started his day off by completing some American themed worksheets! His favorite one was where he got to color in a flag, wrote down different facts about the flag and do a short writing response. It gave us the opportunity to talk to him about the Revolutionary War and how we as a people came to be. We love incorporating history lessons or science into real life for him!

Today though, we ran a few errands and ended up working on a landscaping project and planting some trees. Of course we ran into unexpected problems, and J kept getting in the way. We were beginning to get frustrated because he just didn't seem to understand what was going on and kept stepping right where he shouldn't have! Neither of us have a temper, but we both became a little snappy when J continuously stepped in front of the skid steer and put himself in dangerous spots. This isn't something he does, and he definitely knows better! Then it hit me... Yesterday, we were patient and used every second as a teaching opportunity , but today, we didn't give his curiosity a second thought. We had become those parents who became so consumed in our own project that we weren't encouraging his curiosity! 

We slowed down, which was very hard! We took the time to explain every little detail to J, let him touch the pieces we were working with, and answered all his questions. It was "convenient", but afterwords J felt engaged in the project too! It wasn't the adults project, it became the families' project! He began wanting to help, making sure he was in the right place at the right time, and actually being beneficial. 

What started out at a parenting error, ended up being a parenting victory. All it took was taking the time out to teach the little booger what he wanted to learn and he was on board wanting to help! I guess what we learned from today was that it's hard to remember that everyday is a learning experience for a kid, but as parents it's important to cherish those questions and cherish those moments everyday (not just important days) and guide them through this mysterious life!

Love on your kiddos and answer their questions! Parents are a kids best teacher!


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