Thursday, July 2, 2015


Today, the boy and I tried SUP {{stand up paddleboarding}} and what. a. BLAST!! For the love of green beans, seriously! This was something that's been on our checklist for awhile so today we finally gave it a go and now we are hooked! The board is about 9 feet tall and 3 feet wide, so you stand on it (obviously), bend your knees a little and use an oar to paddle along. It's a pretty good workout if you want it to be! I was super nervous about letting J have his own board, but he begged and begged and I figured after yesterday's independence he was probably craving more so I gave in. J is 7 years old, 49 inches and 62 lbs of pure muscle... Yeah, I know, he's a brick, but honestly I wouldn't recommend letting your kiddo unless they are bigger then he is because he was still a little "struggle bus". We are most definitely going to try it a few more times (at least) and hopefully visit a few more lakes!! 

We have a ba-zillion other things on our Summer Adventure checklist though! Here are a few of our checklist to-dos we have to gotten to yet:

-Hikes; Devils Head, Garden of the Gods, and a few local trails
-Fishing (what summer is complete without fishing... really.)
-Visit the Wild Animal Sanctuary 
-Visit Casa Bonita (every Colorado kid has to go at least once)
-Visit as many Penny press machine locations as possible
-Denver Art Museum
-Cheyenne Frontier Days
-Attend several hometown events: Movie night, Splash at the Park, concerts, ect..

What's on your to-do list??



  1. This looks like so much fun!!
    You have a little athlete in training right there :)

    1. You couldn't get this kid to stop moving if you tried! Luckily it keeps me moving too 😜
