Saturday, June 20, 2015

"Too Cool" Mom

I think we've established over the last couple posts that I'm crazy. Not seriel killer crazy, but definitely "chase my kid around the park with t-Rex arms and growling" kind of crazy. I see moms on the bench judging me in their put together outfits with high heels and perfect hair, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret... I DONT CARE! I will absolutely run up and down the playground equipment and play tag and go down the slide a million times because that's the kind of mom I am. I cant be the "too cool" mom, so I refuse to try. It works out great for some people and that is awesome if it does for you, but it doesn't for me and here's why:

1. Look at my kid. Do you see that ear to ear grin? That alone is worth enduring anyone's snotty stares. Every kid wants their parents to play with them even when they don't ask, gosh, especially when they don't ask! While on vacation, J and I were playing in the pool at the hotel and a young girl, probably about 10 came up and said "I wish my mom played with me like that, your son is very lucky". (We invited her to play sharks and minnows with us). But how sad is that?!? A 10 y/o little girl who feels left out by her mom?

2. Priorities. I want my children to always know that they are my priority. That no matter what, when they need me I'll be there for them. Creating trust like that doesn't happen over night, and I think we all know that actions speak louder then words.

3. Learning. My stepson knows that whenever I can, I will play with him. He knows beyond a doubt that he is a fun kid and that I enjoy my time with him. So, when I actually am busy and can't play with him, he doesn't question me. He trusts that what I am doing really, truly is important. By playing with him as often as I can, I have also been able to help teach him when and where playtime is appropriate. You won't ever see J running around a restaurant because he knows that that's not the place. 

4. Deeper level of trust. Chances are when you spend an hour with your kid giving them tips on how to slide into base or flip on the monkey bars they are going to value your opinion. Later that night when you tell them spinach is actually good and will help fuel them up for tomorrow's baseball... They might actually trust your opinion on that too!

5. Confidence. When I sit out at the park because I'm afraid of what other moms might think of me, I'm showing J that strangers options matter or that having fun is something to be ashamed of. He's not doing anything wrong and neither am I by playing, why would I dare taint his idea of playtime like that?! That's what childhood is supposed to be!

There are lots of reasons why cutting loose with your kids is a great thing -- for you and them! Of course different things work for different people, but this is what works for us and why!

How do you play with your kids? What kind of mom are you??


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