Friday, June 19, 2015

First adventures of summer!

I was so blessed as a child to have been given a vast array of experiences. Unlike most kids that were in my elementary school class, I had taken every mode of transportation (plane, train, boat, ect..) and some I had even been given the opportunity to drive! I was a pretty well traveled little snot and could easily fit into a fancy brunch at a five-star hotel, as well as, squat in the woods to pee. If I thank my parents for anything, it would have to be all of the experiences they gave me. Those experiences gave me a glimpse into so many different "worlds" that I was able to relate to an assortment people and even have an advantage in school. The outcomes of all those experiences are what drive me to want to provide a similar childhood for my stepson. 

We started our summer adventure list off with a simple hike up the Castle rock, which is right here in town. I got a little excercise, and he got so much more. We saw a couple of rabbits, some lizards and learned some basic hiking rules like stepping to the side for other hikers. Just that simple hike got us talking about things we probably never would have, and was a great overall experience. We will definitely be adding some more hikes t to our "adventure list" this summer!

The next thing we crossed off our summer to-do list was to go to Morrison, CO and visit Dinosaur Ridge. What a COOL place! We actually got free tickets from our local library so I would definitely recommend to check with your to see if they do something similar!! 

Currently, that area of the foothills is one of the only migration paths that birds of prey use in North America. That particular ridge also happens to be their "resting place" because they can gain good visual clues from the high elevation. 

Billions and billions of years ago though, Colorado was beachfront property and dinosaurs roamed around! We had the most amazing tour and viewed some incredible tracks and markings left from those ancient beings. J learned so, SO much and just hung on every word the guide said. For a kid who hasn't even been interested in dinosaurs since his toddler age, he was still completely infatuated and I'm not sure he has thought anything has been that "cool" in a while!

If you are in Colorado, I highly recommend both trips! Both little adventures were free, both allowed me to get in some excercise, both were tons of fun, and both are experiences that expanded his mind and created great memories!

What adventures do you have on your list??? Comment below!


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